
Membership registration for 2025 is available on ZONE4.
Annual membership runs from January 1 to December 31.

Annual membership Fee:

  • $25/adult individual or
  • $35/household* (*household = those resident at the same address).
  • EOOC annual membership includes membership in the Alberta Orienteering Association (AOA), which is affiliated with Orienteering Canada. The AOA makes our forest maps, sanctions our forest events, provides officials certification and organizes training camps. Orienteering Canada provides the club with liability insurance, develops rules, manuals and guidelines for putting on forest events, officials certification and coaching.

EOOC annual membership includes other benefits such as:

  • reduced price for maps at city park events
  • discounts at orienteering events worldwide
  • eligible to register for Kids Run Wild, the club’s junior program (household membership required for KRW)
  • Payment options:
  • on line with credit card. Zone4 charges members a processing fee, but makes it much easier for the club especially the volunteer treasurer.
  • for other payment options, please write to the Membership Secretary

Entry fees for annual members

A map at a Wednesday event costs:

  • $5.00 cash (preferably a $5 bill.)
  • $5.00 cheque made payable to “EOOC”
  • or annual members may buy an optional O-Pass* (season pass) to add to their membership. There will be at least 20 Wednesday events. The pass costs $45 for one free map each Wednesday; or $80 for a multi O-pass with up to as many maps as you have EOOC members in your household.

Three good reasons to buy an O-Pass:

  • you won’t have to go looking for $5 bills each week and there will be no line up to register.
  • if you go to at least 10 Wednesday events you will have saved money.
  • you will make the volunteer organizer happy: they much prefer planning courses and putting out and collecting in ribbons, rather making change!
  • *After you have bought your membership, you will be sent a link to purchase an optional O-Pass.

To renew or purchase a new membership for 2025

If you have questions about memberships, please contact the EOOC Membership Secretary

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