STS forest event notice

Dalmuir Forest event notice for pre-registered participants.
[those registering on the day go here].

Location: approx 15km east of Redwater

Location map and directions
This map also shows the location of the nearest medical facility.
RCMP detachment is next to it.
Tim Hortons a little west of both (washrooms!). Gas stations in Redwater.

Registration, Start, Finish and download station are all close together near the end of RR204.
There are two private properties on the left side of the road, so please park on the right-hand side.
Very little traffic on this road (except for arriving orienteers) , so suitable for warming up.

Competitors pick up their maps at the side of the road.
Punching start at preassigned start times from 10:00am at 2 minute intervals on each of courses 7 (6.4km) and 8 (8.1km).Controls:
Units are NOT programed for SI air, so be prepared to ‘dib’.
Units/flags are nearly all hung on trees.

Very few large animals seen these days on this map because of the noise of dirt bikes and ATVs. Those stay on the trails, which are sand – not great for running on.

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