camp kit

What to bring to skills camp:

Please check back before you leave home to see if we have thought of other stuff you should bring.

NB sunrise: 5:20AM;  sunset 9:44PM with civil twilight until 10:30PM.
Normal temperatures for these dates: high 19C, low 5C

  • O kit, including compass, whistle, SI stick if you have your own.
  • gaiters strongly recommended (if you have some, because there are some rose bushes and possibly ticks),
  • water bottle (possibly two).  Drivers, please bring a jug of water if you have room in your car – can be filled at the camp.
  • something to tell the time
  • sunscreen
  • insect repellent (some mosquitoes have been spotted on the map)
  • hat
  • extra socks and shoes (some marshes are wet)
  • ?sunglasses
  • ?rain gear (be prepared!)
  • small backpack to take out to the map to carry your lunch, water bottle, other essentials

If you are staying overnight:

  • potluck contribution for Friday evening supper/snack
  • sleeping bag (light weight for Lodge; warmer for bunkhouse cabin, or an extra blanket)
  • pillow
  • (bottom sheet – optional)
  • towel & toiletries
  • PJs
  • indoor shoes/slippers
  • Flashlight (for finding the way to the bathroom in the night)
  • One lantern per bunkhouse
  • you will be sharing a room, so ear plugs?
  • extra clothes, especially socks!
  • Prescription medications
  • If you have any fun orienteering puzzles, games, maps, please bring them.)
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