NE Dalmuir Independent Middle courses

On a different part of the Dalmuir map, 14km east of Redwater, in the Redwater Natural Area, with a different start on a different road. Course checkers report less deadfall. Location information below.

These are MIDDLE distance courses, which have LOTS OF CONTROLS AND, on advanced courses, LOTS OF CHANGES OF DIRECTION.
IMPORTANT: we cannot guarantee that all the flags and ribbons are still in place – wildlife tend to take them!

Differences from regular events:
For Orienteering Club members only.
NO registration banner, NO start banner, NO finish banner. NO direction signs. NO beginner instruction on site.
There are (assorted) orienteering flags at most sites, but they have NO numbers, NO SI units, NO punches. The two easier courses have mostly ribbons.
NO fees, but we expect you to meet the requirements below.

Requirements: as well as the usual 2m physical distancing, following COVID-19 instructions from the authorities, and staying home if you are sick or required to self-isolate:
[compulsory] That you have a buddy or two out there at the same time as you (but not necessarily going out on the same course, nor arriving in the same vehicle)
[compulsory] that you are self-sufficient: including 2 printed copies of the course(s) you expect to do (one to give your buddy)
Courses downloaded at home from the MapRunF app if you are able, and the code written down for all of them.
A map bag, whistle [compulsory], compass [compulsory] .
Water and snacks.
Be aware of the weather forecast, so sunscreen/hat?
LONG PANTS recommended (against ticks and pokey branches)
Bug spray !!!!!!!
Fully charged cell phone if possible (reception is quite good over all the map)
Small first aid kit (in a car)
There are toilets at the ATV parking area on RR205 (but bring some toilet tissue)


Sandhill terrain with subtle hills. 2.5m contour interval. The trails in this section are sandy BUT less churned up by ATVs and dirt bikes. Deadfall is shown marked with wide- or narrow- spaced vertical green lines. Some newer deadfall not marked.


Wild animals
ATV and dirt bikes – very loud, but they scare away the wild life, and the operators are generally polite. If you are on a trail, be prepared to step off the trail if you hear them coming


Safety Bearing for all the NE section courses is EAST TO THE ROAD.
Watch out: there are two roads on this map. When you come to one, check with your compass that you are on the correct one.
If you are using the app, there’s an easy way of bailing out if you are lost/confused, explained in the last paragraph on the general independent page.
Give your second copy of the map to your buddy. Arrange with your buddy a time at which you will meet after doing the courses.
Nearest Hospital: at the west end of Redwater 780-942-3932 has an emergency dept. From the event site, go back north to the T-junction. Go west/left on Twp 574 for about 14km in a straight line. Road designation/surface changes several times. Shown on the location map.
RCMP detachment 780-942-3607 is next door to the Hospital.
9-1-1 works for all emergencies.


These courses are to MIDDLE Distance standards – with LOTS OF CHANGES OF DIRECTION on the advanced courses.
Choose by Technical Difficulty NOT by length. NO absolute beginner course. No beginner instruction available on site.
TD2 a novice course, about 3km with 16 controls on or next to trails. Orange tape* or occasional flag. Use your compass to keep the map oriented. On this course only, the start and finish are not in the same place.
TD3 an intermediate course, also about 3km with 18 controls, up to 100m from a trail. Orange flagging tape*. Some route choice. Use a compass to check whether you are on the correct trail.
*not guaranteed to still be there but you should get a beep if you are in the right place (check the control description) and have patience.
TD5 short 2.3km long with 15 controls, lots of changes of direction, Try to do this one without relying on the trails.
TD5 long 3.4km with 18 controls, lots of changes of direction.
Try to do this one without relying on the trails.


Location map here:
Northern Simple Route: Take Hwy 28 north to the Redwater turn-off. After the realignment bend, (passing Tim Horton’s, the Hospital, RCMP detachment) drive straight i.e. due EAST, for approx 13km.  The road changes from paved to gravel, and the road number changes TWICE!  Just drive straight. At RR 204, turn right/south. Start/finish location [unmarked] will be about 800m on the right by the sandy earth bank.
This section of RR204 does not appear on Google maps. NB the east side of the road is private property.

Or via Fort Saskatchewan, then northeast on Hwy 15, north on SH 830, west on Hwy 38, crossing the Vinca Bridge. Then turn north onto Victoria Trail at the Den of Antiquity sign. After 3- 4km, turn left/north at RR 205. Go to the end of the road and turn EAST onto TWP 574, then SOUTH onto RR 204. Start/finish is about 800m down the road on the right, next to a sandy bank.
This section of RR204 does not appear on Google maps. NB the east side of the road is private property.

Or via the Ugly Industrial route, Manning Drive, north on SH 825, east on SH 643, then east (right) on Hwy 38 . Then turn north onto Victoria Trail at the Den of Antiquity sign. After about 3-4km, turn left/north at RR 205.
Go to the end of the road and turn EAST onto TWP 574, then SOUTH onto RR 204. Start/finish is about 800m down the road on the right, next to a sandy bank.
This section of RR204 does not appear on Google maps. NB the east side of the road is private property.

Location map here:

Organizer: Geraint Edmunds, Orienteering Canada level 300 official.

Middle distance courses starting on RR205 here
Classic distance courses starting on RR205 here
Middle distance courses starting on RR 204 here
Blackfoot Independent courses here
Independent orienteering general info here
How to use Route Gadget here here

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