Goat 2017

Forest event at Redwater Natural Area,
including a Goat course

Update [Oct 10] more information about the courses and terrain added.

If you are interested in the Goat or Half Goat, please register your interest on Zone4 (payment due on-the-day).
Anyone can register for any course on-the-day

This is the penultimate forest event of the season; there’s another one on the following Saturday in Elk Island Park. Details

Date: Saturday October 14, 2017

Location: Redwater Natural Area

Courses: various, including:
– an easy course for beginners/families with controls on trails (about 3.0km)
– a slightly harder course with controls close to trails but involving some decision making and identifying attack points (about 3.3km as the crow flies)
– an intermediate/ advanced course (4.7km as the crow flies)
– a longer advanced course
– and a Goat course.
A Goat is a mass-start extra-long orienteering course (this one is about 12km). It begins with 4 controls which can be taken in any order, followed by a regular point-to-point course, except that participants may skip one (or two) controls. This year’s Goat is approximately 12 km long with a map-exchange mid way. Those who finish the full Goat within the time limit win a mug. Goat Rules

Note: there is a higher per-person fee for the Goat than regular courses. The goat and half Goat start earlier than the other courses.
If you are interested in the Goat or Half Goat, please register your interest on Zone4 (payment due on-the-day)

Terrain: subtle sand-hills with lots of winding sandy trails (which make good handrails, but are difficult to run along); lots of marshes in low-lying areas, many of which were quite dry as of a week before the event.

10:00am registration opens for the GOAT and Half Goat
10:45am Goat and half Goat participants assemble for last minute instructions
11:00am Mass start for Goat and Half Goat
11:05am – 1:00pm registration and starts for regular courses.
2:00pm cut off for map exchange for Goat participants.
3:00pm deadline for winning a Goat mug
4:00pm course closing; all participants on all courses must check by this time, finished or not.

Note: fees for the Goat are per person and higher than for other courses
Goat Fees:
$30 per person for full Goat
$10 per person orienteering club member for Half Goat
$15 per person not orienteering club member for Half Goat
Regular courses Fees:
$10 per member individual/couple/family.  Fee includes a map, rental of SPORTident timing card*, rental of compass* and whistle if you don’t have your own.
$15 per non-member individual/couple/family.  Fee includes a map, rental of SPORTident timing card*, rental of compass* and whistle if you don’t have your own.
$5 per additional map for couples/families going out together.
*Driver’s license required as deposit for rentals.

Take Hwy 28 north to the Redwater turn-off. After the realignment bend, drive straight i.e. due EAST, for approx 13km.  The road changes from paved to gravel, and the road number changes TWICE!  Just drive straight. At RR 205, turn right/south and follow the orienteering signs. Registration will be on the right/west side of RR205.

The event site can also be reached from Ft Saskatchewan on Hwy 15 or Hwy 21. Take SR 830 north. At the end of SH 830 turn left onto and Hwy 38. 1.8km west of of the Vinca Bridge turn right onto Victoria Trail then turn north at Range Road 205 for approx 2.7 kilometers.
NB for this event, registration/starts will be on the west side of RR205
Coordinates for parking area: N 53°55.625’  W 112°57.057


Officials: Course planner: Greg Yarkie Level O300 certified official

More Information:   Greg  780-977-1175 <gyarkie1 (at) gmail (dot) com>
or Marilyn 780-455-1916  <eooc (at) shaw (dot) ca>

One more forest event after this one – the following Saturday in Elk Island Park. Details

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