Blackfoot Wednesday

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Waskehegan Staging Area, Cooking Lake/Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area

hilly open pastures with woodlots, surrounded by a fence.

Bring your DRIVER’S LICENSE to registration to borrow a SPORTident electronic timing card (and compass and whistle if you don’t have your own).

SAME TIME: register from 6:30 to 7:30pm; course closing at 9:00pm.

SAME FEES: $5 per map for members, free for O-Pass holders, and $10 for members-for-a-day.
– includes a SPORTident electronic timing card. Deposit of driver’s licence required.
– includes a rental compass, or bring your own
– includes a rental whistle, or bring your own – any kind will do (groups need only one between them)

SAME COURSES to choose from

  • short/easy – 2.3km with 12 controls, following handrails (foot paths, edge of trees,) some following flagging, some on tops of hills or visible from the previous control.
  • medium 3.8km short advanced including going under or through fences (but not barbed wire ones!)
  • long advanced course 5.2km – with controls across country (crossing under or through fences) and possibly getting wet feet.

– old runners (could be marshy, but this year it’s mostly dry!)
long pants, even if it’s a hot day, as there are rose briers (and perhaps ticks) lurking in the long grass.
insect repellent, sunscreen

– dry shoes and socks to change into afterwards
– whistle (any kind will do) and compass if you have them, or borrow them from the registrar
– something to tell the time
– drivers licence to rent SPORTident timing card and/or compass and/or whistle

LOCATION: 20 km east of Sherwood Park.  Registration is usually in the shelter on the east side of the parking lot, or close.
There are better than average outhouses on site. Picnic tables next to the shelter.
Reasonable cell phone coverage over most of the map.


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