Blackfoot Thanksgiving 2020

Blackfoot Highlights: Thanksgiving Monday, 2020

About 50 people were out orienteering at Blackfoot Recreation Area on a bright sunny Fall day. There were people of all ages from a one-year-old (being carried on her mom’s back) to teenagers to guys in their 70s.
Some were individuals, some couples, and 4 families. For some it was their first time orienteering in the forest and some their first ‘regular’ event.

On course 6, Stefan beat Ben by only TWO SECONDS, with Walter and Robert close behind.
Course 5 was popular, with Jacob T being the fastest male and Beth the fastest female.
And the award for determination goes to … Peter who was the first person to start and the last one to return – but he finished course 5. YEAH!

Thanks to Einar who helped put out controls, and to Stefan, Walter, Beth and Doug for collecting them in.

Geraint Edmunds (Event Director and Course Planner) and Marilyn (other stuff)

Course 7
Roman G: 1:10:12
Garry A: 2:29:09
Course 6:
Stefan 54:00:01
Ben: 54:00:03
Walter H: 1:00:11
Robert: 1:05:15
Trish K: 1:21
Don R: 1:40
Course 5
Jacob T: 1:01
Beth: 1:02:45
Jim S: 1:20
Wayne B: 1:27:54
Treena: 1:41:55
Judy: 1:57:33
Peter G
Victoria & Liana
Course 4
Greg 55:50
Charlotte & Mum: 1:13
Dan T: 1:31:58
Charmaine: 1:55:09
Katrina & Helena
Course 2/3
Alice & Mathew: 57:54
Gerry: 1:03:01
Mary C: 1:29:56
Richard and Finlay
Cheryl A
Yarkie clan
Course 1:
Walsh family
Pat & Linda
Konder family

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