2022 Club Champions

Canadian Champions
Geraint E: 75+ Gold in Sprint, Middle & Long
Greg Y: 75+ Silver in Sprint, Middle & Long
Einar V: M80+ Gold in Sprint & Middle


Western Canadian Champions
Lots of pictures from Canadians and Western Canadians

Greg Y: M75+ Gold
Geraint E: M75+ Silver
Einar V: M80+ Gold
Marilyn E: F75+ Gold

Walter H: M55+ Bronze
Geraint E: M75+ Gold
Greg Y: M 75+ Silver

Geraint E: M75+ Gold
Greg Y: M75+ Silver
Garry A: M75+ Bronze
Einar V: M80+ Gold

City Cup medalists
Less than one year experience:
Toni K (F medium) gold
Brian K (M medium) gold
Ethan K (M medium) silver
Less than three years experience
Jayne G (F medium) gold
More than three years experience
Walter H (M long) gold
Geraint E (M medium)
Stefan D (M long) silver
Wayne B (M medium) silver
Greg Y (M long) bronze
Einar V (M medium) bronze


Aged-based categories:
Age is determined by how old you are on December 31 of the current year.  In Canada ‘master’ age categories increase in 10 year intervals: 35+,  45+, and so on (shorter intervals from 75+)
M= men;  W or F = women.
Women may compete in men’s categories (OC rule 6.1.1).

M35+ is for men 35 and older; so a 47 year old could compete in this category if they wished.
W55+ is for women 55 and older; so a woman who is, say, a very fit 68 might want to compete in this category.
W21+ is for women 21 and older.
M21+ is for men 21 and older.
Women may compete in men’s categories (OC rule 6.1.1).

M or W 10- is for juniors 10 and under (by the end of the current year)
M or W 12- is for juniors 12 and under (by the end of the current year)
M or W 13/14 is for juniors 13 or 14 (by the end of the current year)
M or W 15/16 is for juniors 15 or 16 (by the end of the current year)
M or W 17-20 is for juniors 17 to 20 (by the end of the current year)
Juniors may complete in one level higher than their age.  Juniors under 16 must have formal permission from the Event Director or the Controller to run in more than one higher age category.(OC rule 6.1.3)


White Earth 2018 B Event — Event Details

Saturday and Sunday July 21 and 22. Same courses both days. Choose one, or come both days.

On the White Earth map, near Smoky Lake.  About a 1.75 hr. trip from Edmonton.

Register and Start from 11:30 pm – 1pm, and finish no later than 4pm.  (Help with control pick-up would be much-appreciated on the Sunday!)

Format:  Four courses

  • beginner/novice (along trails, controls just off trails); beginners’ clinics available.
  •  intermediate course; controls across country with something to catch you from going too far (such as a trail or large hill). Compass skills and choosing routes needed.
  • a shorter technical course of about 4.5 km.
  • a longer technical course (about 6.5 km long).

Fees: $10 per annual member individual/couple/family.  Fee includes a map, rental of SPORTident timing card, rental of compass and whistle if you don’t have your own.
$15 per member-for-a-day individual/couple/family.  Fee includes a map, rental of SPORTident timing card, rental of compass and whistle if you don’t have your own.
$5 per additional map for couples/families going out together.
Driver’s license required as deposit for rentals.
NB if you come both days, we will not charge you for the second day (but you will still still need to sign a lilac waiver).

What to bring:  Clothes suitable for the weather, sunscreen, your own water supply to carry if it’s VERY hot, bug juice.  Compass and whistle if you have your own.

Other Attractions to make it even more worth your while coming (via the S. route): 

  • Map is quite close to the historic Victoria Settlement and Metis Crossing. Well worth a visit:  original buildings, interpretive staff.  Take Victoria Trail off Hwy. 855, just N of the river.
  • You can visit Skaro Shrine, built in 1919 as a replica of the Grotto of Lourdes. NW corner of Hwys. 45 & 831.
  • Lots of lovely Ukrainian Orthodox Churches, including historic (1904) Pakan Church.

On Saturday 10am until noon, there’s a Farmers’ Market at the Smoky Lake Agriplex (northeast part of town, visible from Hwy 28)

Organizers:  Wayne Best (ED/CP). Kim K (O300 official, controller)

Directions:  From SH 855, about five miles south of Smoky Lake and about three miles north of the river, turn east on TWP Rd. 584, continue east 6.5km to Range Rd. 170, turn north for a few hundred meters, turn east on TWP Rd. 584A, follow this road for about 8km  (it mysteriously changes name)  until you find us where a large cutline crosses the road. Park on the left-hand (north) side please, so we don’t impede any other traffic.
Northern route: follow Hwy 28 from the city to about 9km past the Smoky Lake Hospital and just BEFORE the road crosses the White Earth River, then turn right/south down RR162. At the T-junction, turn left. The road turns south again.  At the next T-junction, turn right. The meeting point will be about 1km down this road.


Location map available separately here:  White Earth 2 Location

Coordinates  54.06345, -112.28885


Aged-based categories:
Age is determined by how old you are on December 31 of the current year.  In Canada ‘master’ age categories increase in 10 year intervals: 35+,  45+, and so on (shorter intervals from 75+)
M= men;  W or F = women.
Women may compete in men’s categories (OC rule 6.1.1).

M35+ is for men 35 and older; so a 47 year old could compete in this category if they wished.
W55+ is for women 55 and older; so a woman who is, say, a very fit 68 might want to compete in this category.
W21+ is for women 21 and older.
M21+ is for men 21 and older.
Women may compete in men’s categories (OC rule 6.1.1).

M or W 10- is for juniors 10 and under (by the end of the current year)
M or W 12- is for juniors 12 and under (by the end of the current year)
M or W 13/14 is for juniors 13 or 14 (by the end of the current year)
M or W 15/16 is for juniors 15 or 16 (by the end of the current year)
M or W 17-20 is for juniors 17 to 20 (by the end of the current year)
Juniors may complete in one level higher than their age.  Juniors under 16 must have formal permission from the Event Director or the Controller to run in more than one higher age category.(OC rule 6.1.3)