Edmonton Overlanders Orienteering Club Annual General Meeting
SATURDAY, 2 November 2024 at 7pm
Glenora Community League Hall
10426 136 Street
Potluck Social at 6pm Why not bring your own mug, plate and cutlery to help save the planet?
Annual General Meeting at 7pm
All ages welcome
Any member in good standing, 16 years or older, may vote.
2024 AGM Agenda
-Adopting the agenda;
-Reviewing and adopting the minutes of the previous AGM;
-Reviewing and considering the Board and committee reports;
-Reviewing and accepting the 2023 financial statements for the club’s General Account, setting out the Club’s income, disbursements, assets and liabilities for the previous fiscal year;
– Receiving the 2023 financial statements for the Club’s Casino account, setting out the Club’s income, disbursements, assets and liabilities for the previous fiscal year;
– Receiving a draft/unaudited set of financial statements for the General and Casino accounts for the period from the beginning of the financial year to the Annual General Meeting;
– Considering other matters specified in the meeting notice;
– Electing vacancies in the Board of Directors: including ‘at large’ positions, as well as president, secretary, treasurer, membership, event scheduling, mapping, youth programs.
– Appointing Committee Chairs;
– Appointing the Auditors for the fiscal year;
– Volunteer appreciation